Mar 24, 2009

MCA response....

I am not sure if I should be posting this, or if I will present this in class. Alas, here it is.

I couldn't make it to the MCA last week, I was sick and quite possibly delirious. Luckily, I went two weeks ago and am making a response based on what I saw (loved) of their technology.

Attached is the artist's link at the MCA, her name is Fiona Tan and she uses large projected images of 'portraits' where people stand there for 30 seconds and look into the camera like they were having their portrait taken. It was pretty intense with a circular room of these projectors. I think there were about 6 total, and it was really cool... she was commenting on the prison system in her images... mine is more or less a couple of times throughout my day. Not exactly prison, but sometimes being an MAT does feel that way...

My visual response is a similar thing of three times of day for me. I believe it loops.. but I am new to this sort of final cut pro thing.


1 comment:

  1. I like it, Molly. Very interesting response to the visit and interpretation of a piece in your own way. I had to check during the first one to make sure the video hadn't stopped because you were so still, and then you blinked! Very cool.
