Mar 1, 2009

Better late than never? I hope so...

Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak. But there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but words can never undo the fact that we are surrounded by it (Berger, Ways of Seeing 7).


Sorry to all (the 2 followers I have) -- I have been out of my mind lately. Completely slipped my mind to do the web critique for Community Art Network. So, here goes!

First impression --love the mix of graphics and words with organization as soon as I enter. To the left I can see disciplines, and look to what I am most interested in. To the right I can read recent blog posts. I love it already.

I have a feeling this page will come in serious handy when I am looking for more specific thesis related articles (thank God). My most excited tab-findings is the elders section. First off, I really love the elderly community. And second of all, I think this is a seriously under-served area of interest! I am hoping to work with the elderly at some point in my career. Be it through Saturday morning classes, or working one on one, I just love 'em.

The second part of the page that I really enjoyed digging through was in the education link.
I found this article particularly interesting: Young People's Art Works Toward Social Change: Performing Visions of Utopia. The author talks about "voice" and the way we read artwork, for meaning, etc. I also appreciate the John Berger quote at the beginning (See above), I am finding his words everywhere, and always connecting well for me.

At any rate- -if you are looking for some more thesis sources, I highly highly recommend this site. Especially for those of you (MAT's) interested in place-based education, and how its changed our learning...


  1. There used to be a grant that specifically funded work with the elderly population. you should check in with john ploof or andres about it. Might be a way to fund a project!

    Glad you enjoyed the CAN website. Lots of folks have commented on it's helpfulness for thesis. Hope it does turn out to be the boon it seems for everyone!

  2. I hadn't noticed the links for populations until you pointed out the Elders section! I too have a soft spot for elderly folks, especially the grandfatherly kind. :) Totally random: have you seen the documentary film "Young at Heart"? It follows this choir of senior citizens that sings rock songs. It's an incredible concept, and the group covered in the film is hilarious and heartwarming. I highly recommend. :)
