Mar 29, 2009

Let me critique the web for you....

  • Chicago Art Department:
This site has various levels of information, but looks really tight. I like the videos on the page grabbing some attention, and as I dug in, I really think the classes look like they'd be worthwhile. For my interest/attention span ability, this looks awesome:
Need a quick art fix? In this new series of monthly workshops, a guest artist will create a project for you to make art and create an exhibition in one day. The Make and’ Show workshops is a fun way to meet interesting emerging Chicago artists while also learning and making art. Art from these workshops will be included in our monthly exhibitions. Perhaps I should go, and then make something so fricken awesome they'd give me my own show. Haha. That's the real artist in me escaping...
Moooving ON. I'm already annoyed with the site, because of the lack of separation in their text bodies... I know thats nit-picky, but I like bulleted lists and not long paragraphs I barely read. Front page --> The image of the pots, then the idea that if I head over there I get to take one home after class is loverly. I really enjoy that this is neighborhood made... the neighborhood thing is very Chicago, and in my opinion its always good for building a community to begin with your neighbors. For this site, my personal choice class would be:

Drama Integration with Literacy
engages grades 1-5 in an ambitious curriculum weaving together drama and language arts, with an added inter-grade mentorship component in its third year at Cooper Dual Language Academy funded in part by the Fry Foundation.

If I could get kids involved in acting, literacy and art, their whole look at art education would be so much different, and valued... wow, that might be a great educational philosophy.

Okay, first things first, I have been DYING to get over there. And now I feel like I should take this opportunity to make an official plea to all of you to get together and go.

I love the idea of Mess Hall, exhibiting work, art, found objects, etc
in every which way possible. I love that everything is free. (Free! Yay!)
I love the accompanying blog. (Photos, short links, and general info is good good)
I love the the website is simple, clear, and keeps it quick. (I'm busy within this visual culture)

I'm hoping to get in the door in April. My calendar won't load... so I hope there is something interesting coming up. I've added myself to the info list, so I will
post again if there is something sweet we should see.

This photo is from their Valentine's Day party... which looked l
ike a good time, and will hopefully brighten up this uuber long post.


  1. i love your concept of a 'personal pick' from CAD and Prosarts. Great places and really great folks. If you can't commit to a class, try to stop by for a show/opening. they get great crowds of up and coming artists and it's a great way to tap into the scene.

    Definitely make a trip down to Mess Hall. I had looked at the calendar a while ago to see if there was some way we could have fit in a field trip for the class there, but nothing worked out schedule wise. What did you think of the site? Most people have been pretty tough on it, and in some ways, deservedly so. Did you find it informative? Helpful?

  2. I was excited about the Chicago Art Department too! Their theme-based classes reminded me of the "Big Idea" focus in our Curriculum and Instruction class. I really liked the sound of the Make and Show workshop you pointed out, but I was disappointed that their course listings were outdated (nothing past last summer that I found).

    For Pros Arts, I totally agree with you about the text length. They need to cut it in half, and then cut it in half again.
