Mar 9, 2009


Hello, hello ---

I'm thinking AREA is the same publication that some of us received in John Ploof's class last semester. Annnd it is! I am glad to see the past issues link --I definitely wanted to read up on issue 6, and it wasn't available to us when our guest speaker came in.

So far, I really like the clear black and white setup of the site. It's simple, clean, clear. I would always like an additional photo (or 20) but I guess this is pretty minimal. The text-setup with the blocks of text is a little distracting... I'd prefer things to be horizontal columns, the vertical throws my eye a bit.

Content --is awesome. There are so many resources here. I like the survey capability, and wonder if there is a way to post the survey I will use for my thesis? Perhaps creating a survey for the public would be a good way to get some informal research...

Ahh, somehow I relate everything to thesis! Okay, moving on ---my favorite article so far is Odelay Yonquero! It's interesting to read about the various ongoings in Chicago --and in terms of educators, this is a resource to end all resources! It's stuff you can use for class, for inspiration, I really like it.

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