Dec 2, 2009

Search Source

This is a great link, look through the MOMA collection.

You can narrow your search with:
Art Terms

Looks like a great resource for if you need some artist work to include in your lesson plans.

Oct 16, 2009

WTTW article...

This is a video about FunQuilts designers Bill Kerr and Weeks Ringle. Bill was my professor at Dominican University, and his wife Weeks lectured for out ArtFolk DU club. I love them both, and this is an excellent piece about just one of the many great things they're doing for the community.

Just a quick share if anyone is interested...

May 13, 2009

I <3 Sarah Haskins.

Thank you Caitlin for introducing me to Sarah Haskins. I love her. Honestly, she is awesome.

The segment on 'Jennifer' is outrageous. America is out of control.

May 5, 2009

What do you think???

For our lesson in Screen Printing, Katie found this Freire, and I added text...

Apr 25, 2009

My video project:

Apparently when I upload my video to YouTube, the sound/photos are off a bit.

If you're super curious as to just how awesome this 3 minute video really was, email me ( and I will send it to you.

Apr 20, 2009

!?! Next week?? How about now!

Okay, I forgot that I need not just the one but TWO lovely posts for each week.

So I will put up a little piece of the art I am looking at for my thesis....

First up, Laurie Simmons, "The Instant Decorator, Yellow Kitchen"

Check out the interview with Simmons, she discusses her interiors and inspirations. The likes of HGTV and the insane ideals that America dreams of attaining are mentioned... I like her.

Next up, Ida Applebroog -Boots.

I interpret this as a commentary on growing up too quickly, being overpowered by a symbol of beauty; the boots represent being a woman. They are sophisticated boots on a crude little figure. Interesting juxtaposition.

I really don't have anywhere to go with this, I am beginning my lesson plans for thesis, which so far are really not what I had in mind... hope this is a good direction. I'm not worried though, because I only have to present it in its' entirety on Wednesday. That leaves, like, two whole days. Cake!

Good luck, all!

CACA... oops CACO

Chicago Artists' Coalition Online

Within a few minutes of navigating the site, I am very aware that I am not a member. That is the one thing most clear, and sort of difficult to review. Even a previous copy of their newsletter (which one might want to PREview before purchasing) is for members only.

I am a litle creeped out at the extreme secrecy... yet intrigued enough to keep digging.

  • I like the layout of the text, the tabs to click are straightforward, and the design looks (surprisingly?) like an artist may have had something to do with it.
  • I am concerned that CAC is too close to CACA for idiots like myself to not make the joke.
  • I like the gallery pages, you can actually SEE those! That's nice. I'm always wondering what those Chicago Artists are up to, and some of these look really strong.
Also, how had I not heard about this until I saw it on the site???? Thanks CACO! I will definitely pencil that in. Oh wait. It's 2008. Disappointed... Missed it...

I guess there's always next (this) year. At any rate, I am sort of in a lunatic mode, with a lot of strange energy I am not sure where to throw, so I am back to thesis. Until next week kids... until next week.

Apr 13, 2009

Working material....

If I had seen this any earlier, my project could have been a whole lot better. Just kidding, probably not... but this is the coolest music video of all time.

Apr 11, 2009

Happy Easter Doll!

So in my random browsing... I discovered a network of people who communicate by use of... the doll?

I'm not really sure how this works, but I am completely and totally fascinated. After hearing the crazy Aussie sing karaoke in second life, I just can't imagine the internet being used for anything cooler. Until now.

Just google happiness, and I'm sure this will come up.


Advertising at its best.

Apr 6, 2009

Classes for the fall...ELECTIVES! WHAT?!

Hey all four of my followers---

So I've been a little bit stressed about what classes I should take this fall. It seems strange/sad that finally getting some real art making classes should be stressful... but I can't quite figure out what will benefit my teaching most. Here are my (tentative) plans:

Monday 9-4: Intro to Fiber/Material Studies
Wednesday 9-4: Foundry: Transformed Objects (Sculpture)

And then the 2 required classes I have:
Tuesday 9-6: Fieldwork (Hopefully with Patricia)
Wednesday 6-9: Cultural Approaches to Production

Any comments/Suggestions... let me know.

Apr 3, 2009

Andrew McMahon --Hammers and Strings

This is one of my favorite songs of all time. It's long, but open a new tab and let it play in the background. You won't be disappointed. Andrew McMahon, lead singer for Jack's Mannequin wrote it about giving away his piano (formerly of Something Corporate). It's an odd thing that it makes me feel.... Anyway, click PlaY!


Street Level Youth Media

Hello, hello---
Doing my homework early for once! On top of things for today....

I posted this image first, because I am really interested in the programming Street Level Youth Media is doing that relates 100% to my thesis. That is always a good thing for me... Click on the image to see the full movie.

As far as the website for Street Level Youth Media goes, I am feeling pretty confidant that people will all find it very user-friendly. The labels are clear, the homepage is accessible, and the site overall works for me.

The one thing that confused me (before I dug a little deeper) was the mission statement. I think that should be on the TOP of the About Us section. It's a great mission statement, although I still never know what 'urban' means... but that's another story entirely. At any rate, I don't think that the mission statement should be on the side bar, move it right up front. The history of the site is pretty cool too. It starts with modest intentions and curiosities and ends with a great program.

I also noticed that the FreeLance Artists who work there include Matt Woods, who I saw speak at the MCA. He was awesome, and gave a really great presentation on media literacy in the arts programming for teachers. I can see why the media they produce turns out really well.

The site is accessible, easy to use, and I like the design style/layout. I give it a GO!


Mar 31, 2009

You're or Your. Marty Knows.

This is always something I have been bothered by... I hope you're going to enjoy this.

Art Bistro

In my random browsing of things that are not in any way, shape or form tied to any of the homework I need to be doing right now, I came across this: ArtBistro.

Image below is from this morning:
Brücke: Startling and Raw Emotion at New York’s Neue Galerie

The site overall is sort of a mish mash of things, about becoming an artist, living as an artist and general info about artists (kind of funny). However, the main page is full of all things going on in the art world. It's pretty sweet.

Enjoy if you need a little break from thesis/work/life/etc.

Mar 29, 2009

Let me critique the web for you....

  • Chicago Art Department:
This site has various levels of information, but looks really tight. I like the videos on the page grabbing some attention, and as I dug in, I really think the classes look like they'd be worthwhile. For my interest/attention span ability, this looks awesome:
Need a quick art fix? In this new series of monthly workshops, a guest artist will create a project for you to make art and create an exhibition in one day. The Make and’ Show workshops is a fun way to meet interesting emerging Chicago artists while also learning and making art. Art from these workshops will be included in our monthly exhibitions. Perhaps I should go, and then make something so fricken awesome they'd give me my own show. Haha. That's the real artist in me escaping...
Moooving ON. I'm already annoyed with the site, because of the lack of separation in their text bodies... I know thats nit-picky, but I like bulleted lists and not long paragraphs I barely read. Front page --> The image of the pots, then the idea that if I head over there I get to take one home after class is loverly. I really enjoy that this is neighborhood made... the neighborhood thing is very Chicago, and in my opinion its always good for building a community to begin with your neighbors. For this site, my personal choice class would be:

Drama Integration with Literacy
engages grades 1-5 in an ambitious curriculum weaving together drama and language arts, with an added inter-grade mentorship component in its third year at Cooper Dual Language Academy funded in part by the Fry Foundation.

If I could get kids involved in acting, literacy and art, their whole look at art education would be so much different, and valued... wow, that might be a great educational philosophy.

Okay, first things first, I have been DYING to get over there. And now I feel like I should take this opportunity to make an official plea to all of you to get together and go.

I love the idea of Mess Hall, exhibiting work, art, found objects, etc
in every which way possible. I love that everything is free. (Free! Yay!)
I love the accompanying blog. (Photos, short links, and general info is good good)
I love the the website is simple, clear, and keeps it quick. (I'm busy within this visual culture)

I'm hoping to get in the door in April. My calendar won't load... so I hope there is something interesting coming up. I've added myself to the info list, so I will
post again if there is something sweet we should see.

This photo is from their Valentine's Day party... which looked l
ike a good time, and will hopefully brighten up this uuber long post.

Mar 24, 2009

MCA response....

I am not sure if I should be posting this, or if I will present this in class. Alas, here it is.

I couldn't make it to the MCA last week, I was sick and quite possibly delirious. Luckily, I went two weeks ago and am making a response based on what I saw (loved) of their technology.

Attached is the artist's link at the MCA, her name is Fiona Tan and she uses large projected images of 'portraits' where people stand there for 30 seconds and look into the camera like they were having their portrait taken. It was pretty intense with a circular room of these projectors. I think there were about 6 total, and it was really cool... she was commenting on the prison system in her images... mine is more or less a couple of times throughout my day. Not exactly prison, but sometimes being an MAT does feel that way...

My visual response is a similar thing of three times of day for me. I believe it loops.. but I am new to this sort of final cut pro thing.
