Apr 6, 2009

Classes for the fall...ELECTIVES! WHAT?!

Hey all four of my followers---

So I've been a little bit stressed about what classes I should take this fall. It seems strange/sad that finally getting some real art making classes should be stressful... but I can't quite figure out what will benefit my teaching most. Here are my (tentative) plans:

Monday 9-4: Intro to Fiber/Material Studies
Wednesday 9-4: Foundry: Transformed Objects (Sculpture)

And then the 2 required classes I have:
Tuesday 9-6: Fieldwork (Hopefully with Patricia)
Wednesday 6-9: Cultural Approaches to Production

Any comments/Suggestions... let me know.


  1. I am taking that Fiber class called Studio Stuff: The Paradigm of Collecting this summer (Jul 6-Aug 14) so I am less crazy during the year and can enjoy it more. It meets like 3x a week though, whoa! But oh, well.

    I am having trouble selecting the 2nd elective too...I actually thought about that Foundry one, but I thought it was on Fridays, hmmmm...

    Wait, did you just say "hopefully with...", ummmmm...

  2. But I am also thinking about taking ARTHER: Creative Process as Art Therapy which would be Wednesdays 9-12

  3. your two electives sound great, molly. i always thought that every MAAE and MAT should be required to take at least one art making class per semester. It balances the pedagogy and philosophy, and aren't we at our heart all still artists? Have you done fiber stuff before? should be fun. Foundry sounds excellent too.

  4. Kids hate fiber. They don't want it in their cereal, so I believe it's safe to say that they don't want it in the classroom. I don't know what you do in fiber class, but I don't like the sound of it. Found objects, on the other hand, would be totally cool. It teaches kids that art is everywhere around you if you take the time to look at the world that way. If I were a kid in an art class, I'd much rather work with found objects.
