Feb 14, 2009

Portal Me Up!

The SAIC portal. Wow. A piece of glorious web confusion.

I have so many complaints about this site I'm going to begin with things I like, so that I don't annoy myself with my whining. I really like that there is a 'personal note' and 'public note' that gives me updates of what my teachers/clubs/art ed folks are needing me to see; the public piece about what's going on in the school and museum each day has also been helpful many times. I must say however, that almost everything below my little email box has been completely ignored. The weather is there? Really? Never had any clue.

As far as usability, I'd give it a C. It's all there --the portal links to everything SAIC you could need.. the real trick is finding it! I dislike the lack of a smooth transition between tabs. Not a fan of the Courses Tab that you have to backtrack home to the courses tab each time you want to look to another class. It seems as if there would be an easier way.

For the go.artic.edu site, I am more than a little irritated by the setup for logging in. I don't like that after 10 minutes or so logged on your email no longer shows up 'session timed out'. With my other school address (which oddly I still use), as I type in the link, there is a box that pops up while the page is loading with user name and password, so there is no separate page to log-in. Also, while you're logged in, you are for the entire time the browser is open. It's quite nice for someone with a personal computer, but I assume SAIC does this so you don't have to log into the computers in school.

For the rest of the go.artic.edu page, there is a generall quality/feeling of helpfulness. But my skeptical mind thinks this is a front. Perhaps I should read the 'tips' section to try to figure out how to put my SAIC mail on my iGoogle page, and never look at it again.

Okay --I just gave myself a little heart attack with all that whining.


  1. i wouldn't call it whining, molly. it's not like you are alone in your complaints of the site. :)

    i do like that you did list the things you did like, and that you're trying to be constructive in your commentary. what are some more suggestions you have for the site? if you were designing the site, how would you approach it, or what are the key elements that you'd include?

  2. I tried to conjure up some suggestions for the site and had a hard time. There is so much information that I cannot even begin to figure a way to organize it.
