Feb 10, 2009

Give me a feeling --Frustration.

So the past two days have been a sort of blur of teaching experiences... Yesterday was really frustrating. I felt the day was set up in a rather disorganized and hectic way, when it really could have gone much more smoothly.

At any rate... Today was much better. I observed at Proviso East High School for a few hours with a woman I met at the MCA Educator's Salon. She seemed familiar for some reason, so I asked if she wouldn't mind my visiting her classroom.

I have heard a lot of interesting things about Proviso --it's not exactly in the best neighborhood, there are lots of fights, and I know that there is an issue with attendence, violence, etc... I guess it is a blessing that I'm not really familiar with that kind of drama, but today there was no shortage of it!

I was really impressed with the way everything was handled, but there were a couple of fights that broke out in the short couple hours I was there. Glad to be done with part of my observation, and looking forward to going back in a couple weeks, but it has definitely been a strange couple of days.

Makes me curious as to where I will end up teaching for the long haul....

1 comment:

  1. stop being so ahead of the game, doing your observation hours in week 2..okay, i guess 3...okay, i guess i should start looking into these things. :(

